You should think about, consider and request information concerning each of these items if you try-on or intend buying some good shoes.
Many people actually have different sized feet, so if this applies to you try on shoes separately (in alternative sizes) for each foot. If you feel that you would be best advised to take a different size for each foot, see if it is possible to order a “none matching” pair of shoes through the manufacturer. Many good quality internet sites, stores and manufacturers will allow this.
Shoes should be available in width as well as length sizes. All good quality orthopedic shoes will have separate size scales for this breadth measurement and you should try the same length size in different width sizes.
Bad shoe selection generally results from allowing style to rule over comfort.
Do not buy shoes with excessively high heals, tight narrow straps, hard insoles or un-breath-able materials.
Go for shoes with plenty of foot depth. This allows the addition a removable insole. This insole can be customised to you and will add comfort and longevity to the shoes.
Do not be afraid to try shoes on and, if they are for regular wear, sport or walking, keep them on for several minutes. Your feet need time to adjust to them. Try loosening them tightening them and walking around in them. Then imagine how they would be feeling after 8 hours of wear.
Finally, do not buy a pair of shoes unless you are confident that they are the right fit. Badly fitting shoes can not only affect your feet, but also your legs and back.
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