Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Selecting a mattress

Here is some good info taken from an article at this url: http://www.spineuniverse.com/displayarticle.php/article1432.html It gives details of the importance of sleep and some tips on mattress selection. It is well worth reading. (See the actual article for full details.

Sleep is essential for everyone. A lack of sleep can contribute to failing health and increased pain.
The average person spends approximately one third of their life in bed.
Yet when it comes to where we sleep, we often do not consider how our mattress can affect our backs.

No other piece of furniture in the house is used as often or affects your overall health more than your bed. The spine benefits greatly from sleep. It works hard all day supporting the body and requires a period of rest to maintain this activity. An “inadequate” sleep surface can of course make this impossible.

The right surface

What you sleep on makes a big difference in the quality of sleep you get every night. A mattress without enough support for your spine can lead to muscle fatigue and a poor night's sleep. A good mattress maintains the same natural spinal alignment you have when standing. When your body is allowed to rest in its natural position, muscles are relaxed and sleep is more refreshing. Buying a mattress – selecting features

When buying a new mattress keep the following points in mind: There are different types of mattresses including innerspring, foam (memory and Latex), flotation (water beds), and air mattresses. While innerspring mattresses may offer more variety in terms of firmness and support, many people find the other types of mattresses just as comfortable.

The best type of mattress is the one that offers you the most support and is the most comfortable for you.

The foundation of a bed, often called a box spring, is very important. The box spring absorbs stress and weight for the mattress. The correct foundation can extend the life of the mattress. You should buy a box spring that goes with your style of mattress.

Despite what you may hear, a firmer mattress may not be better than a soft one. A mattress that is too firm does not support the body evenly, tending only to support the body's heaviest parts. A mattress that is too soft sags and prevents the spine from maintaining proper alignment. Neither situation allows your muscles to rest, as they must work throughout the night to find a comfortable position and maintain correct posture.

When shopping always test a mattress . Lie down on the mattress positioned how you usually sleep and stay there for several minutes. Try to behave as you would when in your own bed. If you sleep with a partner, try the mattress together to make sure there is enough space for both sleepers to move around. Make sure that the mattress feels supportive of the back, hips and shoulders.

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