Easier, because the variety and options of choice make it far easier to get exactly the right kind of mattress for any individual.
Harder, because the choice is so wide with so many differing alternatives that you are literally spoilt for choice.
This poses the question, “which type of mattress is best?”
The answer of course is different for everyone. Some people like firm beds whilst others like soft cushiony ones. Some like natural materials and others are happy with synthetic.
So how do you decide on the right mattress for you and your body, your sleeping positions and the inclusion or exclusion of a partner.
The best solution is to start by researching what is available. You can start by going into bed retailer and acquainting yourself with what is available and what the various options are.
Nest you need to narrow things down a little. There are a lot of choices and you need to exclude or dismiss some of them.
Once you are down to some real possibilities you can go to a store and check them out. The way to do this is by laying down on a bed in the same position that you would at home. Stay there for as long as you can. 5 minutes will tell you nothing, but 30 or more minutes should indicate if the bed is genuinely to your liking. If it is not, try something else.
This is very much a trial and error process that is all about eliminating some mattress types and favouring others.
If there are two of you this needs to be a joint process and you may need to make a compromise if you both have different favourites.
Other than that, do not get influenced by a sales person, or the technology that goes into a bed. Ultimately all you want to do is sleep on it. If it feel right then buy it, if it does not then move on.
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