The most frequent application of memory foam is in bedding and primarily mattress and pillow products. Both of these items are ideal applications for memory foam as they offer what are often described as orthopedic properties of support to the person using them.
Their big advantage is the ability of the viso elastic material to support the person sleeping (or resting there head) in a balanced way that avoids excessive pressure or stress. Conventional bedding materials have a tendency to leave key skeletal parts of the body bearing most of the body’s weight, e.g. the shoulders and hips, and this in turn can result in aches and pains. Memory foam can help to avoid this.
Another increasingly popular application of memory foam is in the inner soles of orthopedic and diabetic shoes. Here again, the visco elastic memory foam allows a constantly variable level of support to be provided by a material that avoids pressure points that could result in sores or foot injuries.
This has the benefit of potentially reducing the likelihood of calluses, hammer toe problems and many other foot and toe difficulties. In the case of diabetic shoes this can be a major advantage. But it will ease the comfort and aid the support level of any shoe, orthopedic or otherwise.
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