The actual bed (not the mattress part), often called a frame or base, is the foundation of the surface on which we sleep and as such it is very important. A poor or failing bed frame will result in a poor night’s sleep however good the mattress, so the frame is important.
Bed frames come in two general forms, the first being the old style visible frame and the second being one of the divan style frames. Both are popular and both work well, but in different ways.
In the case of the divan, the construction of the bed frame is hidden and enclosed behind an aesthetic box-like surround that makes the bed appear solid.
In the case of a more traditional frame, all parts of the frame’s footboard, headboard, legs and any side detailing remain visible.
Advantages and disadvantages of each system
The divan has a very big advantage over the normal open frame and that is its ability to act as a storage area. The majority of divan beds have drawers and these drawers give access and storage to the large area under the bed. In simple terms the dead space beneath the area where you sleep can be used store anything from clothes and Christmas decorations to bed sheets and spare pillows. These divan drawers are a bit like having a horizontal chest of drawers laid across the floor.
Unlike the divan, the bed frame is open, lower and without any kind of storage area beneath or within it. In this way it loses ground against the divan – at least if saving or using space is at a premium.
Where the bed frame does beat its rival is in its style, variety and independence of mattress partner.
Bed frames can be wood or metal, low or high, large or small, plain or decorative, cheap or expensive, light or heavy…. And the list goes on.
The big advantage of the bed frame is in its style and they way that it can be selected to become the visual centre piece of any bedroom. Bed frames do not need to be hidden or disguised. Instead they can be used to make a statement about a bedroom and they also have the flexibility to hold almost any mattress. This means that you are not restricted to the mattress that came with the divan, nor is there a fabric finish that will only match the mattress-divan set.
In terms of performance, which is best between the divan and the frame is an unanswerable question. In both cases quality varies considerably and in both cases an orthopedic mattress can be used with the bed base.